Monthly Archives: February 2017



I want to start by telling everyone to not panic.  😉 I am going to have to take a break from posting new chapters for a little while.  There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that my day job is about to get very busy and I won’t have nearly as much time to write.  Don’t worry this is not a forever thing, in fact I don’t think this will be longer than a month.  I do hope to have new chapters to your favorite stories by the time I get back!

Please stick with me…

Yeah I know…


So I know I have been really sucking lately at getting writing done and getting you guys things you really want to read.  I start each day trying to be productive in this, but life or just lack of inspiration keep getting in the way.  I do have a new chapter of the Tom Riddle story, so I hope you all are enjoying this a but at least.



It seems I am still having a rough time of getting the story that I want to finish finished.  No new chapter for Shame’s Desire tonight so I am giving you chapter 2 of Time Twisted Tom. I also know I haven’t been writing long posts since November and i am sorry for that.  I just can’t really think of anything I want to tell you guys about.  Just so you know I am trying to push myself back on track, and if there is anything you would like to read about, message me, or send me an e-mail!  Talk to you guys soon!

Wish Me Luck


So we have a new chapter of Shame’s Desire up.  I was really in a writing groove until the flue hit me and said I didn’t want to do anything but lay in bed.  But at least I have a new chapter to share with all you wonderful people.  When I get up in the morning my plan is to give myself a day of writing now that I am feeling better… wish me luck.