Category Archives: Frazzle Brain

I will more than likely not use this tag, but if I do it will be fore completely random or mis-taged things.

New Art!


So I know I haven’t added anything here in almost a year. I will be trying to fix that soon, but in the mean time I want to let everyone know about a piece of art that has been added to Harvest’s Keeper! The wonderful artofcrumbs did a commission for me and I wanted to share it with everyone! As a warning the illustration is nsfw and contains nudity.

I do what I can


I am working to keep you guys up to date.  I sort of started a random group for fun and we will have a website of our own up soon!  It is The Society For The Promotion of Monster Fornication.  We will be hosting fests and stuff on Ao3 and we have a Tumblr if you guys are interested.  One of the things we are starting with is a Monster of the Month promotion.  For it, I am working to make a one-shot featuring our monster each month!

November’s is called Prey and is a Tom/Hermione one-shot.  I hope you all enjoy!

What happened to Time?


So… does anyone know where August and September went? Cause I can’t figure it out… I am working to stay active on here even though the new interface and I had an all-out fistfight over formatting. I think I won… but you guys will have to tell me know if the links stop working!

Anyway, I just posted a new short story! YAY! It is a Hermione/Tom story cause the ladies on the Discord are horrible enablers! You know who you are! Demonic Stake is a story where Tom is a demon and Hermione is a Professor of demonology?

I am also going to see if I can motivate myself to posting some other things today… we shall see!



Just in case anyone was wondering I am, in fact, still alive.  I’ve been so horrible about writing and posting for longer than I would like to admit.  I mean you can see how long ago my last post was.  Anyway, I finally finished the next chapter of Face of Death and figured I should post it here for anyone left reading this site!

Face of Death- Chapter 8: Nothing Stays the Same

I am going to work on the motivation to add some other new stuff soon!