Category Archives: Empire of Magic

Organized Chaos


As you may know if you look around my website, I have more than a few story ideas.  Some of these ideas I’ve started to work on because that is where my brain pulls me.  Others are just a bit of a spark and I have no need to flesh them out more than they are for now.  I guess there are some ideas I have that I just drop eventually.  I had one idea recently for a funny short about Hermione being dragged to a cosplay convention by her muggle friends and stumbling upon Lord Voldemort’s guilty pleasure of Game of Thrones.  I even started to write a bit of it before I decided it was too silly to live.

Now I have a big table of contents on things I have written and really do plan to write on my website, and it is a bit on the big side, and it can be a bit overwhelming when you look at it.  For my own purposes I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of everything I am currently working on.  Any story I write stays on my spreadsheet until I have finished posting it on the web and right now there are nine entries.

I have these entries in order of how I feel I should be working on them.  On the far right is Shame’s Desire, because I think that is the story I really need to finish and I should be currently posting on.  Next to that is Face of Death.  Which I am posting on today and you can find the new chapter: Here.  Next on the list is His Blood, but only because that story is complete and if I don’t have anything from what is left of it done that is what I post on.

After His Blood is Sound of Submission because I know that it is my most popular story and it is what a lot of my readers want to see next.  I actually have one chapter written if you can believe that, I just don’t think I should start posting chapters on it until I (a) have more to it written, and (b) have Shame’s Desire done.

After Sound of Submission I have Quidditch Lessons.  Now as some of you may know, this story was actually my very first fan-fiction I ever started posting on the internet.  It is a Luna/Draco story where Draco slowly manipulates Luna into being his sub.  Over the past few years I have been working on rewriting the story completely.  It has the same core tale, and a few of the same events, but I wouldn’t exactly call it the same story.  I only have three chapters written for it so far, and this is a story that only gets worked on when there is nothing else driving me.  I think it will be a few more years before you see it as I really want to get a good chunk of it done before I start posting.

Next on my lost is a series I am currently calling Time Twisted Tom.  This story has been getting a lot of attention from me lately because it is what my muse seems to be wanting to write about.  This is a series of time travel obviously.  Tom Riddle age 11 gets transported to 1991 and ends up attending school with Harry and all your favorite characters.  No one is unaffected by the fact Tom didn’t grow up in his own time and you will end up seeing a whole new world from the eyes of Tom Riddle.

Now I said in the beginning that I’ve ordered these stories in a way that I think they should get my attention but as you may have noticed things towards the bottom of the list have been getting a lot more attention than things on the top.  This is actually a point of guilt for me.  As a submissive myself I obviously like to please people.  And I can tell by past comments, and even page views, what people want to read and what I should be working on, but it just doesn’t happen that way.  I wish I could find a way to direct my creativity towards things on demand, but that isn’t how the chaos of my brain works.

I said nine and I’ve only mentioned six.  Number seven is a story called Darkness Within.  This will be my first longer Hermione/Lord Voldemort story.  It is a tale about a world where Voldemort sends Wormtail to kill Harry Potter as a baby instead of going himself.  Because of that within a few years he is running England.  Since Voldemort is running England muggleborns are taken and raised is special facilities where they are given “job training” and taught they are lesser than “real wizards”.  I am working on the fourth chapter of this story and I think it will be very interesting by the time it is done.

As you may have seen I’ve written quite a few shorter pieces with this pair, and it actually has become my most popular pair in number of stories I have written.  This is simply because of a writing forum I belong to that focuses around that pair.  They have challenges focused on stories with that pair which is why I end up using them as often as I do.

I actually don’t have a loyalty to any particular pair I’ve realized.  Many times I come up with a story and choose the pair that will fit my concept best.  This may end up where I have a lot of readers disappointed in my stories as they really like one pair, and I end up only having one story about that pair.  I think that is one of the things that is happening with the popularity of Smell of Submission.  Many readers like Harry/Hermione and I only have two stories written about them.  For those of you who want more of that I actually plan to write my Halloween story about that pair this year (if that helps).

So the eighth story on my spreadsheet is called Lost Girl.  It is another Ginny/Voldemort story and it still needs a lot of work.  It is a story I will be working on in the future, but I have successfully kept myself from putting in too much work so far.  Go me.  This story will be full of smut and angst, so you have been warned.

The last story on my list is my most and my least important one depending on when you ask me.  This story is called The Ninth Tribe: Smoke.  It is my original story that has nothing at all to do with Harry Potter or any of the characters you are used to seeing.  I completed a first draft a few years ago, and have been struggling through a second draft ever since.  I think one of my main issues with writing this story is I have these worries that no one will want to read it.  It was scary to start posting my fan-fiction on line, because putting anything you create out there is like putting a small piece of yourself out for anyone to view.  Fan-fiction though has a built in audience.  My next step is finishing and posting something that I is 100% me and I can’t hide behind another person’s world or characters.  It’s hard to get past that fear and it is harder to motivate my sub side when I don’t know if this new story with please anyone at all…

So this has been a glimpse into the ordered chaos that is how my writing works and by you get what you get when you get it.  I hope it has been an interesting ride for you all.  I’m actually going to the Cape this week on a family vacation, and I hope to get some writing done while I’m there.  I hope the beach house is inspiring this year.


Summer So Far


Okay if you look at my calendar I have a few stories scheduled again.  The first being a story I wrote randomly the thing week because I was inspired to do something on the more smutty side.  So I am posting Notes today.  It is a full story that I hope you all enjoy.

Next week I will be posting the first chapter to Face of Death!  It is done and ready for posting now, so I am excited to finally story this last installment to the Face Trilogy.  This story is going to pick up a week after Face of War ended and all our girl’s lives have changed dramatically in consequence to what happened at the wedding.

The following week I will definitely be posting my Midsummer story and I am going to try to work on something else to post as well.  Either Shame’s Desire or Sound of Submission… we will see what my muse wants.  The Midsummer story itself is actually a sequel to Autumn Goddess so that will be fun too!  It is one chapter as well, so not a lot to commit to! 😉

By June 26th I am hoping to have another Face of Death chapter done, but we will see…

Ending Another Story


There is no better feeling than actually finishing and posting a completed story for you guys.  Today I post the final chapter of Sharpest Wit- Part 6: Victory or Death.

You may want to know what is next?  Well I honestly have no clue what I am posting next week, which is why I haven’t been updating my calendar.. I know… It’s frustrating.  I am going to try to finish a chapter of Shame’s Desire by next week so you can have another taste of that story.  If I don’t finish anything by that time, I will be posting the second chapter to Common Ground.  Now you should know that Common Ground is an already completed story so you will get to see the end of it with only new chapters of Shame’s Desire interrupting it’s publishing.

On the other side of posting, the not sure sexual side that is.  I am working hard to have chapter 1 of Face of Death ready for you by the 21st.  I really am hoping to have it done and start posting regularly on that story as well.

My next Holiday Story will be for Midsummer this year.  I am already working on a sequel to Autumn Goddess for this story.  Like Autumn Goddess it will only be one chapter long, but should be a sizable chapter.

I’ll keep you updated.