Monthly Archives: July 2018

Week 2?


As promised I have posted the second of Mind and Will.  I have also posted a drabble series I started this week.  It is only missing one part and it should be done.  So you should have the finish of that soon 😉 It is pretty much 100% smut, so if you want to check it out here is The Last Time.

Sunday Posting?


So I will try to start my Sunday posting again for a little while at least.  I have started posting a new story called Mind & Will.  It is a poly fic with Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley.  It is something I have had finished for a while, but I was trying to finish other things before I started to post it.  I figured you would like this, instead of waiting even longer for something else.  Hope you enjoy!